Any Host currently named is appointed and will be an interim host until the conference elects their permanent host(s). The conferences may change or merge based on traffic. NUMBER: 1 NAME: SNIPPETS DESCRIPTION: BASIC Snippets Conference This area is for the discussion of good BASIC programming along with the how to accomplish your programming goals. You can contribute to this area--regardless of your skill. It may be asking a question that's stumping other users, too. Or it may be helping me to get rid of an old programming prejudice/flaw. Or... We hope for a spirited, argumentative conference; though deplore personal attacks and will vehemently react to such discourtesy. However, attacks on ones code is fair game and highly encouraged. If you can't live with that, don't contribute a new snippet. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: NEW 7/92 NUMBER: 2 NAME: CHITCHAT DESCRIPTION: QB Chat This area is for casual discussion about programming using BASIC. It is a conference with a topic that should be fairly closely followed. However, it is a much more relaxed area than the Snippets area where actual code and coding practices are the _only_ topic allowed. Vendors are also welcome to discuss there wares--within reason. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 3 NAME: Novice DESCRIPTION: Novice Programmers Conference We all need someplace to start; ask that dumb question that everybody says really isn't; and, commiserate. This spots it, folk... Be sure to take a look at the bulletins they have answers for all those FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) I could think of. I'm sure it will be expanded often. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 4 NAME: VB DESCRIPTION: Visual BASIC Discussion concerning programming using Visual BASIC for Windows. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 8 NAME: Utilities DESCRIPTION: System programming and utilities have been considered the bailiwick of Assembly language or "C" programmers. But, recent changes and alternate libraries have made BASIC programmers a competitive force. We all need to write the occasional utility. Chat here about it becoming a world class tool. Participants will find information about programming at the system level. Others are sure to accrue benefits from such knowledge in their applications. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 9 NAME: Hardware DESCRIPTION: Hardware as it relates to software. Why a hardware conference on a programmer's echo? Hardware is the "necessary evil" and the more we know about it the better the software. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 10 NAME: Vendor DESCRIPTION: General Vendors Conference A place to meet with and discuss products for QB. If a conference exist for the product you wish to discuss, please use it instead. HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 19 NAME Off-Topic DESCRIPTION: Sometimes we want to chat about a topic that's not allowed in the conferences we participate in. Well, here's where to come to discuss it. One can also try to peddle that clunker software, hardware, whatever, and/or insert an advert for your bbs. (ANSI adverts are not allowed!) HOSTS: ACTIVITY: New 7/92 NUMBER: 20 NAME: HUB DESCRIPTION: This is a conference that will be used to iron out the details associated with this network. Each hub will echo this conference as their "local" conference for their hub family to work out network problems. During startup, this conference will originate and pass through the NETHub. HOSTS: Your Hub sysop ACTIVITY: Permanent